Learn to keep calm under pressure and recover from setbacks effectively. Become someone who view's challenges as opportunities, rather than fear them. How can you perform under high pressure?
Build your self-belief so that you can execute your performance in all competitive environments. How do you maintain your confidence, even when you've made a mistake?
Enhance your focus to ensure you are looking where you need to at all times; avoid distractions in - and out of - sport. How do you reduce the 'noise' around you to stay focused and grounded?
Take your performance assessment to new highs, understanding where you thrive and making changes to benefit your performance further. How can you effectively assess your performance to highlight strengths and identify development areas?
Discover your purpose and unlock passion to ensure you stick to new habits and routines. What is the driving force behind your performance? What will keep you going forwards throughout the challenges ahead?
Including: Transition to a new team; Competition preparation; Dual-career support; Sport identity development; Navigating injury experiences; Rest and recovery