Ryan Pelling

New Study Released: 'The effect of blended learning on tacking technique improvement in preteen sailing' by Souissi et al. (2024). 

In short: Using different feedback methods - video and online written instructions - to improve tacking technique in sailing among children. After a four-session learning unit those subject to video and online written instructions combined improved their performance. 

More Detail: This study investigates the effects of two blended learning strategies on improving tacking technique in Optimist sailing among children aged 11–13. Specifically, it compares video feedback with online written instructions and online written instructions only. Thirty-one children aged 11–13 years old were randomly divided into three groups with different learning strategies: video and online written, online written only, and a control group. Each child completed a pre-test evaluation, then undertook a four-session learning unit, before taking a post-test evaluation. Evaluations focused on three key areas: tacking technique, rated by three sailing coaches; execution time (measured via software); and theoretical knowledge, assess through an error detection test of a novice’s video. 

The results showed the children who received video and online written feedback improved significantly in technical performance, execution time, and theoretical knowledge. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the video and online written feedback in enhancing learning in environments with high levels of sensory distraction – which could be key for learning within high pressure, fast paced and team sports. 

By enabling a deeper understanding of technique and error correction, the technology-enhanced instructional approach shows viability in being a tool to teach complex motor skills in sports. Blended learning which combines in-class activities and delayed video-based feedback delivered online can enhance skill acquisition in young sailors.

Find it here:

Souissi, M.A., Toumi, L., Trabelsi, O., Dergaa, I., Ghorbel, A., Gharbi, A., ... & Knechtle, B. (2024). The effect of blended learning on tacking technique improvement in preteen sailing. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 31972.  

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